Monday, September 30, 2013

Where have we been?

Man it's been awhile! Just enjoying mommyhood of three little ones. Some days are better then others and sometimes 530 can't come soon enough for grant to come home. 
In other news I have decided to be done cloth diapering. I was getting overwhelmed and stressing about laundry and Carson's diapers have been looser then normal and I was just done. I talked to grant about it and he was super supportive of me and said then take a break, so we did. I haven't looked back since. I feel like a weight has been lifted and have no desire to cloth anymore. I did it for a year and am proud of that, but we are back on the disposable train. So now I'm selling all my stuff... Know anyone looking for excellent condition diapers? 
Aryssa has started dance again and is loving it :)
Carson is slowly learning more words, I try to repeat stuff to him and sometimes he strikes to copy me and other times not so much.
Maycee is growing like a weed and is 7 weeks old today :) we have breast feeding down pat, and the past 3 nights she has slept from 930-445 am without waking up. Then she nurses and goes back to sleep until 7/730! The other two didn't sleep this well so early so it's nice! 
We had my cousins wedding last weekend that I stood up in and got to get my hair and makeup done... 
It felt nice getting all dolled up. 

We stayed late at the wedding and my cold started to kick my butt so we decided to stay home from church and have a lazy day Sunday.... Grant and his 3 kiddos cuddling. 

If you are ever looking for a crocheted hat please contact my sister! She needed to test the size of this hat out and used Maycee as a model....ADORABLE! 
We have had some nice fallish weather lately so I took the kids to the park, pushing two on he swings and baby wearing Maycee, call me super mom lol

I think that's all the update I have for now. I still need to write up a diaper review and giveaway and a diaper bag review... It will come in time! 

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