Monday, October 14, 2013

A 2 month old!

I can't believe I have an almost 4 yr old, almost 2 yr old and a 2 month old! 
Maycee turned 2 months on the 12th and I can't believe how fast that time went! Check out her 2 month owl pictures :) 
She is getting so big! I had to compare her to the other two at 2 months....
Aryssa was such a peanut still only 9 lbs 6 oz 22in, Carson was 12 lbs 12 oz 24 in. We have Maycee's 2 month apt on Wednesday so I'm excited to see what she weighs. She looks chunkier than Carson, but shorter. 

Next on the agenda is planning Aryssa and Carson's birthday party. Aryssa is so excited to be 4! Carson doesn't care lol I'll have to share pictures once it's all done! 

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