Tuesday, July 2, 2013

32 weeks and my new ring!

32  weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 24 lbs up- It was an 8 lb gain when I was at the dr Friday :/ 
Maternity clothes? Yes all the time
Sleep? Some nights good some night alright some night bad 
Best moment this week: being pregnant 
Movement: anytime I sit still she goes crazy 
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: GIRL! Maycee 
Labor Signs: random contractions Thursdays are usually pretty crampy before I get my shot on Friday 
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow 
What I miss: just doing "simple" things easily- laundry, walking, getting up 
What I am looking forward to: see baby girl 
Weekly Wisdom: listen to your body and rest when you need to! 
Milestones:  another week closer!

So remember when I said I was getting a new band added to my ring?!?! Well it finally came in! They had a promise date of July 1st and we were at the mall Saturday (June 29) and I stopped in to see if it was there and they said "no probably sometime Monday but the jeweler comes between 3pm-7pm" so I waited.... No call Monday. Tuesday (today) rolls around  and the kids were nuts in the morning. Thankfully it was a beautiful day outside and we were outside playing by 10am! We played went for a little walk and then came in the house to relax before lunch. 1130 my phone rings MY RING WAS IN! We all got our shoes on and out the door we went. We parked -of course as close to the jewelry store as possible. As we were walking in I was trying to stay calm and remind myself that it may not look how my head pictured it. I have a great imagination and sometimes I make things bigger and grander in my head..... I walk into the store....give them my claim ticket...... Take a breath and look at my new ring..... I almost start to cry..... It is EXACTLY what I pictured.... SO BEAUTIFUL.... Absolutely perfect. Here are the before and after pics....
AMAZING RIGHT! Not too much, just enough! I am so in love I can't stop staring at it. 
I'm off to stare at my ring a little more and relax since we had such a busy morning. Maycee is loving me sitting down and resting by kicking and rolling like crazy! 

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