How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 24 lbs total Maternity clothes? Yes all the time and some of my shirts are getting too short and aryssa giggles and says "I see your belly button"
Sleep? Ok, I am sleeping alright, but as soon as I have to get up and pee my hips hurt. Thank goodness for the chiropractor.
Best moment this week: making it past 34 weeks!
Movement: whenever I'm sitting still. Girls was going crazy at my dr apt last week and it took forever to get a normal heart rate.
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: GIRL! Maycee
Labor Signs: not too much, random contractions when I overdue it and still the crappy feeling Thursdays
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow - each pregnancy it gets more shallow but still had never popped out
What I miss: cooler weather! This humidity sucks!
What I am looking forward to: meeting baby girl
Weekly Wisdom: make the kids pick things up for you! Bending over is hard lol
Milestones: made it past Aryssa's arrival!
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: GIRL! Maycee
Labor Signs: not too much, random contractions when I overdue it and still the crappy feeling Thursdays
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow - each pregnancy it gets more shallow but still had never popped out
What I miss: cooler weather! This humidity sucks!
What I am looking forward to: meeting baby girl
Weekly Wisdom: make the kids pick things up for you! Bending over is hard lol
Milestones: made it past Aryssa's arrival!
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