Wednesday, June 26, 2013

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 16  lbs - Ill see if there is a change on Friday 
Maternity clothes? Yes all the time
Sleep? Still getting up to pee, hips are starting to bother me too :( boo to no more free chiro care 
Best moment this week: knowing Maycee is head down because of where I feel hiccups  
Movement: big rolls 
Food cravings: cake- it was my birthday Sunday so I have been enjoying angel food - with rainbow chip frosting, and a estival foods cake all week.
Gender: GIRL! Maycee 
Labor Signs: some random contractions when I over do it or hold my pee
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow 
What I miss: not waddling- even grant noticed this week I am in full on waddle mode! 
What I am looking forward to: see baby girl 
Weekly Wisdom: don't over do it and enjoy the central air!  
Milestones: 31 weeks the countdown is on! At most 8 weeks (dr said she would induce at 39 weeks no matter what) left but my guess is baby will be here shortly after 37 weeks. 
Belly shot! 
This week has been hot! Grant had off Friday so we all went to the chiro and got adjusted... Now in my pregnancy I am really missing the free care I used to get honestly just can't afford it once a week. So I hold off as long as I can and then go in. Saturday we decided to go to some rummage sales and it was warm out and I over did it, my belly hurt and I was wore out. We came home and I rested when the kids napped. I felt better and we went to a local festival in the evening which was fun and I got mini doughnuts :)
Sunday was my birthday and we went to church and then had Hu Hot for lunch! It was YUMMY! 
Not much else going on the third trimester seems to be kicking my butt I don't think the humid weather helps at all either. Today I had the bright idea to take the kids to the park -even at 1030 it was HOT we only stayed a half hour and I couldn't take it anymore and we left. I did go to target and bought a sprinkler so we hopefully can use that in the next couple says :) 
My ring should be done soon! Can't wait to show off pics! 

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