Monday, June 3, 2013

Review and giveaway!! Cloth wipes!

When I was pregnant with Aryssa back in 2009 I joined a group of ladies also due in December of 2009 and would you believe we still are in contact with each other. Some have come and gone, but we have an amazing core group. With that some ladies are Wahm and make awesome stuff. Lindsey at The Crafty Monkeh (
Does tons! She sews,crochets, makes amazing crinkle teethers and more! I bought a crinkle teether, but am saving that just for baby Maycee so no review on that, but let me tell you it is adorable and has the best crinkle sound. When i contacted her she said she was willing to let me do a cloth wipe review and giveaway!! 
Check out what she sent me!

A dozen of her homemade cloth wipes! The prints are so adorable I picked 6 boy and 6 girl of her choice  :)
These wipes are a great size too! Even with my big hands. 
Not too big but not too small. 
What I love is that they are thick with double fabric which when cleaning a toddlers diaper is a must! I cant wait to use them when the baby comes. Other wipes I tried were single layered and just felt flimsy when wiping, or just folded up and you almost get a finger full :/ These hold water (I use an old peri bottle to moisten my wipes as I need them) amazingly and wash up so nice. They are still soft and durable even after a couple washes and a lot of use! 
 And GUESS WHAT!! She is also letting me give away 6 wipes to a lucky reader! Your choice - boy, girl or gender neutral! Fill out the raffle copter form below for your chance to win!  

Open to US and Canada residents, all opinions are my own :) 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Girl! :) I might need to get my hands on one of those teethers.

  2. I'd pick boy or Gn, love her wipes!

  3. Probably gender neutral :-). We're having a girl, but there's so much pick already! I'd like to be able to reuse a lot of her stuff if she gets a younger brother in the future.


Questions? Comments! Post them here I love to hear from you.... Unless you are spam I don't have money to wire you, nor do I smoke so please don't ask okay? Thanks!