Wednesday, May 29, 2013

28 weeks

Don't forget about my cloth wipes review and giveaway!

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 19 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Yes all the time
Sleep? Getting up to pee more and occasional knee pain 
Best moment this week: yesterday grant was laying with his head on my belly I was trying to get a picture because it was cute, and Maycee kicked him right in the cheek and made the picture blurry! 
Movement: when I sit or lay down in bed she goes nuts 
Food cravings: ice cream 
Gender: GIRL! Maycee 
Labor Signs: nope, but I do feel crampy on Thursdays :( 
Belly Button in or out? Still in but shallow, this may be the first pregnancy it pops 
What I miss: eating without getting kicked or punched 
What I am looking forward to: if Aryssa is right... 9 weeks until baby 
Weekly Wisdom: "baby Maycee is a naked baby in your belly, but we will put a diaper on her when she comes out" Aryssa 
Milestones: repeat ultrasound showed Maycee at 2 lbs 6 oz and she even had hair already! 
My 28 week picture with a little helper lol
Here is the picture as grant got kicked lol 

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