Wednesday, June 12, 2013

29 weeks and my ring

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 16  lbs - I lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks but I think I was up higher when I did my glucose test so I'm ok with 16 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Yes all the time
Sleep? Alright, Maycee goes crazy when I lay down so it takes a while to fall asleep. 
Best moment this week: it's been a good week nothing really stands out 
Movement: anytime I am still she is bouncing :) 
Food cravings: ice cream 
Gender: GIRL! Maycee 
Labor Signs: nope, but I do feel crampy on Thursdays :( 
Belly Button in or out? Still in but shallow, this may be the first pregnancy it pops 
What I miss: walking without getting crampy
What I am looking forward to: seeing Aryssa and Carson with their baby sister 
Weekly Wisdom: slow down, take one day at a time
Milestones: almost 30 weeks getting so close now 

I love the color contrast between my tan arms and chest and way white belly lol

Other exciting news we were at the mall this weekend- because we had gotten a flyer in the mail about an event at Helzberg (a jewelry store). See my wedding ring didn't come with a matching diamond band, it just has a simple plain band, and after I realized that I always asked when I was getting my rings cleaned "why wouldn't the jeweler make a diamond band option too?" I know some people get an extra band for their first anniversary but I didn't want another plain band I wanted a diamond band so we just never got anything. Well the last time we were in Tom at the store said he just had done one for a customer and would price a band out for us.... Well he called a week later and it was over $1200 um no thanks! The custom guy threw out the mold so would have to start over. Anyway the event this weekend was a refurbish/repair event and custom designs were half off! So we went in to check it out. Well they were busy and we talked to this one lady (Tom was busy) and she was like oh no wrong event come back in August. I was like "Tom sent us a card, why would he send us a card for the wrong event?" She of course had no idea.... Thankfully Tom came over and remembered us and said oh yes we can look into the custom, so he pulled out the paperwork from when he quoted us prices and the sheet said over $1,700 I told him I thought he said $1,200 and he said that was with a discount he was going to give. So he said half price it would be $890 ish and we said no not really what we wanted to spend right now. So he grabbed his calculator and worked some magic.... He brought it down to $680! That and 12 months no interest we had a deal! So they sent my ring out and I am just waiting on some proof pictures from the custom guy, it will be a custom band with 12 diamonds channeled in. I am soooo excited to see it and get it back, my hope is that my fingers are not too swollen and I can at least wear it for a little while! 
So here is my ring before.... So excited to show off the after :) I will add I LOVE my ring with or without a diamond band, it is unique and totally fits me. 

1 comment:

  1. Excited for you! On all fronts!


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