How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 16 lbs - My next apt is next Friday the 28th Maternity clothes? Yes all the time
Sleep? Getting up to pee more and my knee has started bothering me :( I just hope it doesn't get as bad as Carson's pregnancy
Best moment this week: still being pregnant is enough for me
Movement: big rolls
Food cravings: usually a bowl of fruit loops every night
Gender: GIRL! Maycee
Labor Signs: not really some Braxton hicks when I have to pee or over do it
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow
What I miss: just doing things easily
What I am looking forward to: seeing Aryssa and Carson with their baby sister
Weekly Wisdom: take one day at a time enjoy the kicks
Milestones: 30 weeks only 7-9 weeks left
I can't believe this pregnancy has been going by so fast! If Aryssa is correct Maycee could be here in 7 weeks! Oh my goodness! I have all the clothes washed and ready to go, I'm hoping she is a good medium size so she can wear some of the mounds of newborn clothes I have! I also have all the 0-3 months stuff washed and in a drawer. The bigger stuff is all set too, but like I said I hope she can wear some of the little stuff!
I also have to share this adorable picture of Carson kissing my belly.... He gets full on kissy lips and always says "mmmmm wwwaaaa"
The kiddos and I have been busy playing outside and going to parks! Today we drove to a bigger park and had a picnic for lunch, the kids must be worn out because we are going on 3 hours for nap time :) I love that my kids sleep so great- they usually go to bed around 830pm and sleep until 8am! Yesterday I laid Carson and Aryssa down at 1pm and Carson didn't wake up until almost 5pm! Aryssa was up around 415! I love the down time since the third trimester tiredness is kicking in and I can just relax for a while.
That's it for now I'll have to update after my appointment next week :)
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