Tuesday, May 21, 2013

18 months old

This little man turned 18 months old on Sunday! 
Lol his cheesy face!
His stats 28 lbs 10 oz - 83%
34 1/2 inches tall 96%
He hasn't gained any weight since his 15 month appointment, and only 1 lbs since his 12 month appointment, but did grow an inch and a half in these 3 months! 
He is doing great and is such a happy boy. We call him little man since he is a big boy, little Grant is also said a lot since he looks soooo much like daddy! Anyway here are his official 18 months pictures with his hippo :)

The next set of pictures (aryssa's 4 yr and Carson's 2 yr) will also include Maycee :) can't believe it! 
I am currently 26 weeks today!
Carson loves pictures :) 
 I'll update/ do the pregnancy post Friday since I have my glucose test and also a repeat ultrasound since baby girl didn't cooperate and the tech couldn't get good heart pics. My lovely sister is going to watch the kiddos for me so I moved up the glucose test to this week since I have a sitter in place. If you don't remember I have veins that like to hide and last time it took 45 min and 2 techs to finally get blood.... You can't really expect two little kids to stay happy and quiet when mommy can't help because she is sitting in the chair patiently waiting for the lab people to hit the vein. So till then folks :)

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