Monday, August 5, 2013

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: 28 lbs total 
Maternity clothes? Suck lol nothing is fitting nice, even grants big shorts for bed are getting uncomfortable 
Sleep? Broken up. If I stay off my right side as long as I can then my knee doesn't bother me as much, but I'm still up all the time 
Best moment this week: labor progress being made 
Movement: more big rolls and squirmy moves than kicks 
Food cravings: apple toaster strudels 
Gender: GIRL! Maycee 
Labor Signs: contractions more often to the point I would track them... For them only to fizzle out 
Belly Button in or out? In but shallow - each pregnancy it gets more shallow but still had never popped out
What I miss: bending over
What I am looking forward to: bending over lol. Seeing who Maycee will look like 
Weekly Wisdom: sit back and relax... A newborn will be here soon!
Milestone: 37 weeks! FULL TERM

Well the 17p shots did their job, they got me to full term again! I have to say this week has been rough though. On Friday I had my drs apt and Maycee just wasn't moving like herself. So I told my dr when she came in, she decided to check me to see if I've progressed any, I was 1-2 cm (only 1cm the Friday before) then she decided to hook me up to the NST machine to monitor heartbeat and movement. Maycee's heartbeat was great, but still no movement. The nurse came back and decided to get me some juice to see if that would wake her up... Finally she started going! I was getting worried that she was so still, it just isn't like her for that long. Must have been a sleepy little girl. The machine was also picking up some contractions, about 7 the hour I was there but of course they fizzled out. 
This weekend I had more episodes of contractions but again fizzled out after an hour or so. I'm thinking they are doing something though :) 
Grant keeps texting me throughout the day to see how I'm doing... Then yesterday he gets to work and a co-worker had sent out an email his wife was in labor! I don't know for sure when she was due and he hasn't sent an arrival email yet. So hopefully I am next!
I continue to thank God everyday that we made it this far and know maycee will come when she is ready, and if that means a little longer then so be it. I don't want to see the nicu nurses and drs ever again. 
Anyway that's my 37 week update..... Maybe the next time it will be with a picture of our newest baby :) 

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