Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Toy/Bottle Leash GIVEAWAY!

Hey all time for another giveaway!! This time it is a toy/bottle leash by Lil' Things. I found Aimee on Facebook when I was looking at her GrubBeads necklaces and saw she also did bottle/sippy cup leashes. Aimee was great to work with and offered to send me a leash and also offered to send a reader one too! Awesome right!? So I looked through her fabric pictures and found this great rainbow chevron- since chevron is the it fabric lately I picked this! And picked a green backing on it.
As soon as I picked my style it was only 2 days before she had it shipping to me! I was so excited to get it. Maycee doesn't use bottles or a sippy cup yet but I am always looking for something for the carseat to keep toys close for her. I know they make hanging car seat toys, but I know some are dangerous because they are hard- if they would fall off and hit baby in the head they could get hurt. And being in Wisconsin I want her to be able to keep her hands inside her carseat.
So it was about 2 days later and I got my shipment in the mail! I had to wait an extra day because of a snow storm and not wanting to walk down the driveway lol
I was excited to open my leash and put it straight to use! The fabric is nice and durable and the colors are bright. Aimee had a bunch of fabric options is was so hard to choose.
Each leash comes with simple instructions with pictures on how to attach it to a suction cup (additional $2 charge), which I just adapted to attach to the car seat.
I immediately attached it to Maycee's car seat cover!
I noticed how long it was. Laying out from end to end it is about 20 inches. The only downfall with it attached to the carseat is that sometimes that allows the toys to hit the ground. However Aimee's main use for these is to attach the suction cup to a high chair or stroller so that the cup does not hit the ground. This would be the perfect length for that so that you can have the cup out of the way, yet baby can still reach and use his or her cup.
I was easily able to attach different shape and sizes of toys to the leash.... Here is one of Maycee's christmas presents.
And here is her favorite wooden teether with crinkle
The velcro is super strong and I have not had any issues with it coming undone or slipping at all.
Here is how it looks all attached to the car seat.
I can easily strap the toy on and give it to Maycee inside the seat and she can play and be happy while we drive :) Every moms dream is a quiet happy baby while driving! Am I right?!?!
Now onto the great news Lil' Things by Aimee agreed to also let one of my lucky readers win a leash of their own!! Fill out the form below for your chance to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lil' Things provided me a leash for my review all opinions are my own

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