It has been COLD in Wisconsin lately. Seriously we are getting excited about positive 15 degrees F lately. Today it is a high of -2 F and wind chills of -30s. BRRRRRRRR!
So Aryssa has been asking to paint the past couple days but always at goofy times. So this morning I told her after I showered we could paint.
I got done getting ready - meaning putting on new yoga pants and a t-shirt after my shower, oh don't forget the mommy ponytail. Then it was time to paint! Both kids came running ready to paint, even Carson was yelling "aint" I didn't know if he would want to paint since it always seems like he doesn't do the project at church. Although it may be because they ask him if he wants to do it and he almost always answers "no" to all questions.
Both kids sat down and away we went!

Aryssa and Carson both loved it!
Then I remembered when I worked at a daycare we used to use cars and make tracks. Well I didn't want to wreck a good car of Carson's...then a lightbulb went off in my head! I went and grabbed a cheap mcdonald's toy and let them use that to paint with. Carson thought it was really cool and if it got to messy or gross I could throw it away and not care!

I love when the kids paint, but then comes "what will I do with all these pictures?" Well at rest/nap time today I cut out the artwork and put them into frames. I can't wait to hang these beauties in the hallway when Grant gets home.
So what are you doing on these cold days?!?!? Let me know in the comments some fun you and your kids had :)
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