Friday, January 31, 2014

a DITL of Maycee

Don't forget about my giveaway only a couple days left!

I know in the past I have talked about my ddc Facebook groups (ddc means due date club). They are groups that all of the women had the same month that they were due with their baby. I have one for Aryssa, Carson and Maycee. Well, in Maycee's group this week some moms were asking about schedules and how each others little ones were napping. I have always been blessed with great nappers and decided to "chart" Maycee's day for a blog post :)

A DITL (day in the life) of Maycee

1-30-2014 (24 hours)
7am -Maycee woke up smiling and talking in her crib in her room
7am- nursed
She decided to stay awake and I brought her to the living room to play
8:45am -first nap of the morning
9:20am - I hear Maycee happily squealing awake from her nap
10am- time to nurse
we then decided we needed to make a Target run
11am - short 10 min nap at Target
1:15pm- time to nurse again
1:30pm - Nap time :) this is always Maycee's long nap
4:40pm - someones is up!
4:45 pm - nurse
sometimes Maycee takes a short nap in the evening but today she didn't
8pm - last nursing of the night
8:45pm - sleeping peacefully in her crib
6am- nurse and back to sleep until 8:30am

Seriously so blessed with great nappers :) Carson always naps from 1/130pm-4/430 pm and Aryssa does rest time/quiet play in her room so I get some down time to finish up laundry, clean out the dishwasher, or some days depending on the morning just sit and watch recorded DVR.

Also in Maycee news she has decided to start crawling! This past weekend we noticed she would sort of scootch forward but I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose or accident. On Monday I was watching her and noticed she was trying to reach towards toys. I texted Grant and said by the end of the week I'm guessing she will get it! Lo and behold this morning she was knowingly reaching and moving towards toys. She knew exactly what she was doing and was moving around the living room. People she is only 5 1/2 months!! Aryssa first started this at 8 months (6 1/2 adjusted since she was a preemie) and Carson was 6 months. I had to go back in my Facebook videos to see when they were posted. Neither were scootching this early! I have gotten some video but nothing that really shows how great she is doing. I guess she just wants to keep up with her older siblings!
Speaking of older siblings.... next week we sign Aryssa up for 4K. I can't believe my baby will be going to school. It will be half days 4K in Appleton. I know a lot of my friends homeschool but honestly it just isn't for me. I am not smart enough or trust myself enough with my children's education. I know she will do great and love meeting new friends at school.
Carson is doing great in his speech. These past two week he has told me when he "oop" (poop) and also ask to turn his "ight" (light) on or off. We still need to work on the beginning sounds, but I love the progress already. We took a 2 week break since the first session was too much on him and I really hope Ms. Jen is happy with the work he has done when he has his session next week.

Phew I think that's it! So tell me what is your babies schedule like? Any tips for a first time 4k student? Any fun ideas to add consonant sounds?

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