Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pregnancy fun post!

I did 8 general pregnancy facts on Facebook, but loved my sisters take when she did fun facts from each pregnancy so here goes! 
Pregnancy #1 Aryssa Mae
1. I had spotting before I knew I was pregnant and even emailed grant saying "not this month" 3 days later I got my positive test
2. I thought I was having a boy and we had the name Gavin picked out
3. We originally were not going to find out the gender, and didn't at the 20 week scan. I had to have another ultrasound at 28 weeks and 2 days before grant said "let's find out!" 
4. Our plan was to keep the gender a secret - I lasted 2 days before my mom and sister knew
5. My pregnancy was very easy and I never threw up
6. At 33 weeks 5 days I had felt weird all day I emailed grant ant work and he told me to "go take a poop" 
7. I was admitted for observation that night and 5 hours later my water broke
8. Aryssa came screaming into the world at 3:15am at 34 weeks 5lbs 4oz and stayed in the nicu for 2 weeks before coming home. 

Pregnancy #2 Carson Martin
1. We had been trying (for 2 months) and I randomly took a test on a Tuesday after being with my sister and realizing my mouth tasted funny
2. This time I knew it was a boy- at our 12 week scan the tech guessed boy - our girl name was Ryleigh- At the 20 week scan carson was all ready to show off his goods
3. I was given weekly shots (17p) to help prevent preterm labor from 16-35 weeks
4. At 35 weeks I was admitted to the hospital for a day because of contractions. I cried and was scared we would have another nicu stay 
5. I still never had horrible morning sickness and never threw up- just mild nauseousness 
6. My water broke in our bed at 2:05 am 
7. When Carson was born my dr said "here is your miracle" he had a knotted cord and if it had pulled tight he could have been still born
8. Carson was born at exactly 37 weeks (right after my medicine wore out) 3:36pm at 8 lbs 10 oz 

Pregnancy #3 Maycee Mathilda 
1. Again it only took us 2 months to get pregnant once my cycle regulated after Carson slowed/stopped nursing
2. Like Aryssa's pregnancy I had spotting and told grant "it's not this month" the next day I got my positive- right then I knew it was a girl
3. I told grant we were pregnant by putting a picture of the test on the iPad screen saver. He walked in the door and I told him the iPad wasn't working. He opened it up and bam preggo! I don't know if he was more shocked I was pregnant or relieved the iPad wasn't broken. 
4. Grant was my "nurse" and gave me all my 17p shots this pregnancy- by the end he was a pro
5. We had no boy name picked out. When I was barely pregnant I told grant I liked the name Maycee and from that day on aryssa said it was a girl Maycee- thankfully she was right
6. Morning sickness was mild but only felt nauseous and never threw up
7.  I was fully expecting to have Maycee once my medicine wore off.... She had other plans and stayed in until 37 weeks 6 days
8. Maycee was my fastest labor/delivery at the hospital my water broke at 2:45 am and she was born at 12:06pm 8 lbs 12 oz on 8-12 -- I wish she would have waited those extra 2 minutes. 

Bounes facts*****
~I have had all 3 kids without an epidural and only 1 dose of iv pain meds each 
~ My body will break my water and then stall labor - with aryssa they had to stop labor 2 times to get steroids in for her lungs, so technically I was in and out of labor for over 72 hours
~ Carson's labor I was on pitocin for 9 hours
~ Maycee's labor I was on pitocin for 2 hours
~ With all my deliveries I knew the baby was going to be born soon because I would have one pukey burp. Usually within 2 or 3 pushes after that pukey burp the baby was born 
~ I have amazing recoveries after delivering and thank my amazing OB for making my deliveries slow and controlled  :) 

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