Monday, August 19, 2013

Labor and delivery

Maycee is officially a week old.... When did that happen? You wait all this time for baby to come and bam a whole week has gone by already.  
Onto the labor and delivery story...
I never got to update after my appointment Friday the 9th. I had gone to my appointment and my dr checked me and I was at 3 cm 80% effaced but -3 station, so baby girl was still high up. My dr stripped my membranes and it was kind of uncomfortable but not too horrible. I left feeling slightly optimistic but Maycee was a stubborn one who was comfy where she was. Friday afternoon I was having consistent contractions about 4 min apart for 2 hours.... Then they just stopped SERIOUSLY. 
Saturday I started getting contractions again. I started timing them at 10:30 am we continued on with our day and we even went to the mall to walk a couple laps in hopes the contractions continued, they were averaging 4 min apart. My mom texted me and I asked her to come over after work and we headed to the hospital. 
After two hours of walking around the hospital we were sent home because I wasn't making any progress :( I cried it sucked. I was emotionally and physically drained and just wanted to meet our baby girl. Thankfully my mom kept the kids for us so I could rest. 

Fast forward to early Monday morning.... 
1am- Maycee is up kicking and twirling and having the hiccups. I'm having some slight cramping but nothing serious, I didn't even consider them contractions. 
   Got up to pee a couple times but tried to sleep through Maycee's dance party.
2:45am- I feel a bubble.... Was that my water?!?! I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, no gush but my panty liner is soaked. I change it and walk around the bathroom....more fluid! This is it my water is broken!
I wake up grant and call my mom.... I'm soooo excited we finally get to meet our baby girl! 
I call nurse direct to let them know we are headed in -with carson I just showed up and the nurses didn't like that they weren't prepared and a room wasn't ready so my OB said call nurse direct so they are ready for you-
My mom gets to the house grant starts to put bags in the van AND flat tire! The low pressure light had gone on Sunday when we were going to my parents to pick up the kids but we didn't know it was going flat. Thankfully we have two vehicles! 
We arrive at the hospital and they confirm my water broke with the test strip- this is for sure it baby is coming! Nurse starts an iv since I don't want an epidural but keep my options for iv pain meds open. 
4 am - 5 cm dilated contractions are 5 min apart and since I'm not hooked up to anything grant and I choose to walk the halls to help things along 
Going to walk the halls in my Pretty Pushers Gown (I'll write a review post of this later) 

We walk for a while and every 15 min stop to check baby's heart beat. After you hit 5 cm they check baby's heartbeat every 15 min to make sure there isn't any distress. I would just stand there and they would hold the monitor on for a couple min- contractions still 5 min apart 
7 am - resident OB comes in and decides to check me .... The look on her face concerns me. She said you are a 6 but I don't feel a head..... UM WHAT! It feels "squishy" crazy thoughts go through my head "was Maycee's dance party her flipping breech?" Is she now butt down? She asks another nurse - a more experienced one- to also check me.... Nurse feels the same. I'm getting worried, is a c section in my future? 
They decide to do a quick ultrasound to check on Maycee's position. THANFULLY it was just a forebag of water and ultrasound showed Maycee head down. The resident finished breaking that and there were the big gushes of water! Contractions are more intense but still 5 min apart
9:30am - I walk around the room and rock and sway through contractions- they were still only 5 min apart... My OB walked in and asked how we were. I said good but contractions seem to be stalling. 
She gave me the option 1- wait it out continue to labor OR 2 - get hooked up to a low dose of pitocin and get this baby out
My ob was open to whichever I wanted, she did not pressure me into one or the other and left it completely up to me. 
I really didn't want pitocin but I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with 5 min apart contractions.... So pitocin it was. 
9:30am- 7 cm
9:45am - pitocin started 
Contractions start coming big time now. Grant knows its serious when I have to hold his hand and start making weird noises lol 
Hooked up to pit and still smiling- sort of!

10:50am - nurse comes in to check on me... I ask for iv meds. She checks me and I'm 8cm - last chance for iv meds- you can't have them after 8cm
I get a dose of fentanyl... It does nothing for the contractions, but lets me relax between them a little better
11:30 am - a new resident comes in with my OB. My OB asks if it is ok for the resident to help in the delivery, I said she can help but my OB is in charge and does the work. 
11:30am - resident checks me I'm 9 1/2 with a ridge - I have had this with all 3 births so my OB decides to help me past that point.... It hurts horribly! 
Time to push through it..... My OB is a slow and controlled delivery person and keeps things calm. I start pushing it hurts, I mean why wouldn't it a baby is coming! It's hard work and man it hurts.... 
Grant is an amazing husband during labor and delivery- he doesn't say a word to me lol he lets the drs and nurses do all the talking and coaching, which I love. 
I remember asking at one point is she even coming? My dr said her head is half out one more push we will have a baby... And with that I open my eyes bear down and.....
Meet our daughter. 
12:06pm Maycee Mathilda joined our family 8 lbs 12 oz 21 inches long 

After they weighed her I looked at my OB and said "you lied!" She had guessed high 7 lbs at my appointment on Friday. She laughed and said I carry it well :) 
THANFULLY I had no stitches and no tearing again :) like I said I love my OB and the way she delivers. 
Everyone is doing amazing and by the time I finished this Maycee is 10 days old and had her checkup today (Thursday) she is 8 lbs 9 oz (92%) and 20.5 inches (91%) she lost length because she had a cone head from delivery. She is already on the Carson growth patterns and I'm guessing she will be a big healthy girl :) 
Well that was crazy long! I'll update later this week :) 
Our first family of 5 picture 

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